Reflection#5 Project1 Interviews

This reflection follows the Ranning model of reflection.

What Happened?
We came up with interview questions and reached out to members of the school communities to find out what they think about the way students buy and sell used textbooks at PAS. We then analyzed the collected information and identified trends and took note of information that we did not expect.

Think and feel - What were you thinking and feeling?
I was thinking that we could also do a survey via google forums and not just the interviews. I felt like the interviews were taking up too much time (approx 7min each) and we could've gotten more data if we also used alternative methods.

Evaluate - what was good and bad about the experience?
What went well was that our interviewees gave helpful information on what they thought, and even revealed new information that we were surprised about. What was bad was that we interviewed only a certain type of student, and our responses do not reflect the thoughts of the school's community as a whole.

Envision - what else could you have done?
We could have sent out digital surveys that can be used to gain an idea of what each profile type thought of the current system.

Plan - What would you do differently next time?
Next time, we will find some other time to go and interview people from other profile groups. Since this time we were only able to interview people that were available during a study hall, the information might not accurately portray what most of the school would think.

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