Reflection#4 Marshmallow Challenge 2

This reflection follows the Ranning model of reflection.

What Happened?
We did the marshmallow challenge again.

Think and feel - What were you thinking and feeling?
This was the second time doing this so we felt that we would be able to do this better than last time. I thought that we could take what went well and what did not go well last time and come up with a better way to do it this time. I was hoping that we would use an assembly line sort of system to build with more efficiency.

Evaluate - what was good and bad about the experience?
This time we used the same structure that we used last time, with slight differences. But that did not happen until we finished arguing, this time for a longer duration of time. This time, some people believed that we need to switch to a new structure design, while some people thought that we could improve on the design we had last time. In the end, we didn't have a choice but to make what we made last time, with small improvised changes. Another bad thing that happened was that we used a shelf that was beside a wall. This was bad because its harder to cooperate compared to working around a table that every team member can actively work on. With one side of the shelf blocked by the wall, only 2-3 people could work.

Envision - what else could you have done?
We could have used a more efficient way to build the structure, if we planned everything out beforehand. Our geometric design can actually be built much faster if we used a modular approach and combine our products later.

Plan - What would you do differently next time?
Next time, there would be more planning before building. A specific course of action for each member and a specific given individual task that will lead to parts that will have to be combined by the team. Its much faster this way, given that we had to make 3 identical parts that could've been done by an individual with no help.

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