Reflection#2 Ideal Locker Design

This reflection follows the Ranning model of reflection.

What Happened?
We partnered up in groups of twos and interviewed each other (using the same process as the Ideal birthday experience activity) to find out what the client's ideal locker design would be like, and design it with sketches and descriptions and then ideate to create a better prototype.

Think and feel - What were you thinking and feeling?
It felt like this activity was a lot easier to do than the last one because it was much more relatable for me than the previous activity. It was, in a sense, easier because I have had the same experience of owning a school locker and empathy is achieved with less effort as it stems from a shared experience.

Evaluate - what was good and bad about the experience?
The good part was that this time, I tried to use better questions that lead to a more discussion-based interview instead of getting yes or no responses. I was able to extract more information using this method. What didn't go too well was that the both of us had rather similar expectations of an ideal locker design and sometimes we simply referred to each other's responses as an answer to a question.

Envision - what else could you have done?
I could have done a couple more iterations of the prototype as the final prototype that I came up with did not perfectly contain exactly what my interviewee wanted. In this case, the allocated proportions of different locker sections were slightly different.

Plan - What would you do differently next time?
Next time, I would do more iteration in order to make the final product more suited for the user. Time was somewhat limited during this session so it would have been better if there was more time to iterate.

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