Project 2 Self Assessment
PAS MS/HS Design Thinking Project Rubric Evaluation Criteria Exemplary Competency Proficient Competency Foundational Competency 1. Discover How do I find, design, and approach problems or challenges? Make Observations (1.1) I can take a highly broad, deep, and inquisitive approach to perceiving details (e.g. different perspectives, disciplinary lenses, or conditions), and keep detailed records in generating ideas for inquiry. Pose Questions (1.2) I can generate a large number and variety of open-ended questions for inquiry. Find Information (1.3) I can find relevant and credible information through academic research and/or user-focused/empathetic methods. Make Observations (1.1) I can notice and record substantive information to generate ideas for inquiry. P ose Questions (1.2) I can generate a large number of questions for inquiry. Find Information (1.3) I can find information through academic research and/or user-focused/empathet...